
Friday, December 3, 2010

fancy goods

check out the fancy goods blog, the online home of bookseller and publisher news, reviews and interviews.

you can read my most recent fancy goods/b+p review here. (and you can also read my dear friend hannah mae's interview with juliet marillier here. we're sharing love on the blogs today, hannah and i).

careful what you wish for (published by A&U) is a pretty cute book in spite of its slow start and the main character ruth is engaging enough - although her friend howard (who i didn't have space to talk about in my review - although on reflection i really ought to have MADE room) was the sparkiest character in the book, and responsible for much of the initial action. i would have liked to see more of howard.

a nice book for girls aged 7 to 9 or so.


hey anonymousauruses - give yourselves a name. a nom de plume, a nom de blog. it's more fun that way.