
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

where's the buzz?

after hardly any bloggery, tweeting buzz (i am very disappointed in everyone. did you not read loving richard feynman??) an advance copy of clara in washington by penny tangey (UQP) arrived at the shop and it is brilliant. very clever, funny and touching as clara (often anxiously) navigates the social and political streets of washington dc, while trying not to think about her year twelve results and wondering what the heck she wants to do when she grows up. and trying not to get mugged or murdered on the subway. and she makes friends with some anarchists.

plus, coffee.
this bit of the book was particularly fun for me. american coffee is really, really bad. this is me drinking it:

clara in washington is released (according to titlepage) on 27 june. that's not far away! i'll review it properly around then.
read about it at penguin books.
go see penny at the melbourne writers festival.


  1. Oh hooray!! I snorted all the way through Loving Richard Feynman, I can't wait to read this.

    Consider me buzzed.

  2. GOd, I'm so out of touch. I shall put this author and title in my NEW iphone and seek it out. Brilliant cover. x

  3. Ohhhh, can't wait to read this!! (and love the pic of your American coffee haha)

  4. Will get my hands on it! On another matter I had a very good coffee at Mr Hyde in Geetown at the weekend.

  5. so glad youre enjoying it. i loved her first book ~ will be on the lookout for its arrival in my store :)

    (i've never had coffee ~ but thats a cute pic :)

  6. buzz buzz buzz. yes i can feel it buzzing now. how wonderful.
    iPhone, hey? fancy fancy!! (err i really like mine)
    mr hyde. i shall try it!
    you've never had coffee, nomes??!? or just american coffee???

  7. Where is it? I want to read it!
    I'm getting an Android. Finally I will have joined the ranks of intelligent phone owners. And I won't need to buy a new camera.

  8. It seems that you say Tangey is published by UQP and by Penguin. Or am I reading it wrong?

  9. oh yeah, UQP (university of queensland press) is distributed by penguin. UQP don't have clara on their website yet, but p do.

    oh and cultured animal - you'll have to find out exactly what androids do dream about, when you get yours.

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