On this day in 2010 I was singing along to Darren Hanlon's latest (at the time) album.
Around this time in 2011 I was reading Yellowcake and enjoying some MWF sunshine.
In 2012 I was being brief (though excited) about books, and keen to hear The Futureheads' acapella album, RANT.
August last year... who knows, really... But I had been to see Joan Baez (has it really been a year?!) and was soon to muse on the cost of books.
Skipping to the present day...
Four months (almost to the day) after being retrenched from my in-house editor job, I am cheerfully living the #rockstarfreelancelifestyle, editing picture books for Little Hare and proofreading whatever comes my way.
I have also returned to my original career as a children's bookseller! I like to think of it as working at the coal face. Excitingly, this includes visiting local primary schools...
And there's time to read.
The protag has already eaten at least one "simple meal". |
I loved it. In spite of this cynical review. |
Some pop-lit-psych as an entree to understanding literacy. |
And the end of August is bringing SPRING to Melbourne. It's (starting to be) T-shirt Weather!